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Купить книгу Точка обману, автора Дэна Брауна
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Точка обману
В Арктиці знайдено восьмитонний уламок метеорита із закам’янілими рештками живих організмів, що свідчить про існування позаземного життя. На місце відкриття вирушають чотири незалежні науковці – астрофізик, палеонтолог, океанограф і фахівець із льодовиків. Коли вони опиняються за крок до розгадки, їх починають безжально вбивати…
Купить книгу Янголи і демони, автора Дэна Брауна
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Янголи і демони
Всесвітньовідомого фахівця з релігійної символіки Роберта Ленґдона терміново викликають до Швейцарії, щоб дослідити загадковий знак, випалений на грудях по-звірячому вбитого фізика. Він робить приголомшливе відкриття: це справа рук давнього ворога Церкви – таємної організації ілюмінатів. Крім того, у Ватикані закладено надпотужну бомбу, яку має знайти саме Ленґдон разом із чарівною жінкою-науковцем Вітторією Ветрою. На них чекає шалена пригода: йдучи слідом безжального вбивці, збирати трупи, видиратися на собори, спускатися в підземелля, щоб знайти нарешті лігво ілюмінатів і врятувати Святий Престол.
Купить книгу В могиле не опасен суд молвы, автора Алана Брэдли
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В могиле не опасен суд молвы
В семье де Люс случилась трагедия. Проявляя поистине английский стоицизм, сестры де Люс молча страдают. Мрачная Флавия воскрешает в памяти способы получения самых быстродействующих ядов, на случай если она все-таки решится расстаться с жизнью. Неужели поместье Букшоу уже никогда не будет прежним? В попытке наладить отношения Флавия с сестрами отправляются в лодочное путешествие. На их пути – маленький городок, печально прославившийся после того, как местный викарий отравил трех прихожанок во время святого причастия. В реке рядом с пристанью наблюдательная Флавия обнаруживает труп юноши. Ничто не может отвлечь младшую де Люс от печальных мыслей лучше, чем новое расследование!
Купить книгу The Last Honorable Man, автора Vickie  Taylor
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The Last Honorable Man
THE LAST MAN SHE WANTED…Del Cooper was the only person who could spare Elisa Reyes from a fate worse than death. Though she had every reason to distrust the Texas Ranger accused of accidentally shooting her fiancé, Elisa knew that without his help her unborn child had no future. And so she made a deal with the devil–and accepted Del's honor-bound proposal.AND THE ONLY MAN SHE NEEDED…Elisa thought a paper marriage would be enough. But that was before Del put his career on the line to protect her. Before his lips unleashed all her pent-up desires. And suddenly Elisa knew that nothing Del could offer her would be enough–without his whole heart!
Купить книгу Wild Montana, автора Danica  Winters
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Wild Montana
Have a former FBI agent and a park ranger met their match in the wilds of Montana? With a mysterious death to solve in Glacier National Park, Customs and Border Patrol agent Casper Lawrence must come up with motive, means, opportunity—and a killer. If he doesn't crack this case by the book, the former FBI agent on strike two will be out. Teamed with a beautiful park ranger, the cowboy agent with the gritty past has to trust sexy lone wolf Alexis Finch. But as their investigation takes them through dangerous terrain and an outlaw motorcycle club's turf, Casper will do anything to keep Alexis—and what they've ignited—alive
Купить книгу The Virgin Beauty, автора Claire  King
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The Virgin Beauty
THE 6'2" VIRGINThe new town veterinarian had a lot to offer–striking good looks, sharp wit and a fantastic intellect. Yet so far, no man had been able to see beyond Grace McKenna's considerable height. So the virginal beauty couldn't contain her amazement when rancher Daniel Cash paid her some much-needed attention. Trouble was, she didn't know if Daniel's attraction was real–or motivated by a startling situation.Grace knew that only she could save Daniel's family name. And as she fought to keep herself out of temptation's way, she also fought her feminine need to give in to her own desires. Could she trust Daniel with her most precious gift and embrace her womanhood for once…for always…forever?
Купить книгу The Unexpected Hero, автора Rachel  Lee
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The Unexpected Hero
Купить книгу The Truth About Elyssa, автора Lorna  Michaels
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The Truth About Elyssa
Brett Cameron was a successful, sexy doctor with an impeccable bedside manner, and he wanted her. Her. Elyssa knew she could never deny the brooding doctor her body, but when it came to her heart, her trust…even if she dared to offer those, would she get the chance?As soon as Elyssa started trying to remember the «accident» that had changed her life, someone started trying to help her forget…permanently. Brett knew the troubled beauty needed to remember her past in order to face her future, and he wasn't about to let her face either one without him by her side.
Купить книгу The Spy Wore Red, автора Wendy  Rosnau
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The Spy Wore Red
SHE HAD MOVES NO ONE COULD MATCHAnd that kept superspy Nadja Stefn alive on many an undercover assignment. Until one slip changed the game forever.It happened one icy cold night…two spies on the run, holing up together…the night Nadja wore red. They exchanged no names, and five years later Nadja still didn't know the identity of her child's father. Until she was chosen for a mission that paired her with her mystery lover.When the assassin they're after kidnaps their daughter, Nadja faces a terrible choice: A) deliver her daughter to this vicious criminal, or B) lose her child forever. But master game player Nadja might just go with option C….
Купить книгу The Spy Who Loved Him, автора Merline  Lovelace
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The Spy Who Loved Him
Although headstrong Margarita was mesmerized by Carlos Caballero's fearless courage, she wasn't about to bow down to any man. But the temptress in her yearned to surrender to her ardent suitor's sizzling seduction.Now, with a murderous band of criminals hot on their trail, the beautiful secret spy struggled with the contradictory emotions Carlos's fierce protectiveness stirred in her. How was she supposed to choose between sworn duty…and unrelenting desire?
Купить книгу The Soldier's Secret Daughter, автора Cindy  Dees
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The Soldier's Secret Daughter
“I hated you, but I still wanted you.” Dashing spy Jagger lived in a world of danger. Not even a sweet brown-eyed siren could be trusted, especially when he had to bring down her employer. Somehow Emily broke through his defences – and set him up for two years of captivity. Or so he thought. Emily hadn’t expected a cryptic message to lead her to rescue the man who’d disappeared after their night of passion.Nor had she known that he’d been held prisoner and believed she was responsible. Despite the suspicion, they must work together to stop the threat against them…and protect their precious daughter.
Купить книгу The Sheriff's Surrender, автора Marilyn  Pappano
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The Sheriff's Surrender
With his sexy grin and considerable charm, Reese Barnett could make a woman swoon. Neely Madison could attest to that. She'd once been desperately in love with the rugged lawman, but then came the tragedy Reese refused to forgive…and Neely couldn't forget. Now, with a vengeful killer barely a step behind, Neely's life was in Reese's hands. Neely was the last person Reese wanted to protect, yet he wouldn't let her down. Despite everything, she still meant the world to him. Now he had one more chance to set things right. But would the sheriff's surrender come at the ultimate price?